Alzad Tobacco is one of the premier tobacco companies operating in Pakistan.The company has a strong network with tobacco growers.The company also owns a state-of-the art tobacco Threshing facility (GLT) where all kinds of processing & packing parameters can be achieved with high excellence.
Virtually on the foothills of one of the world’s highest mountain ranges,and with in close proximity of the famous Khyber Pass and scenic Swat Valley,this fertile area is home to Pakistan’s Flue-Cured tobacco leaf cultivation. Besides Flue-Cured Virginia, we also produce a sizeable crop of High Nicotine Rustica which is used for cigarettes and for the water pipe (Hubble bubble).
In addition, a comparatively small crop of Burley is grown in sub-mountainous region and a Dark-Air Cured variety is cultivated in Punjab. The rich and varied geographic and agro-climatic conditions in Pakistan foster the consistent availability of a wide range of tobaccos for export.
Pakistani tobacco,by virtue of its quality,volume,diversity and competitive prices is steadfastly occupying its rightful place in the world tobacco market.Currently, we are focusing on the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to produce top quality tobacco with the emphasis on product integrity and traceability,which is aimed at addressing customer concerns.